The Truth About Water Vending Machines: Why You Need to Be Careful

by | Jan 17, 2022 | Blog

The Truth About Water Vending Machines

Most of us associate water vending machines with convenience and affordability. But the reality is that the water in those vending machines may not be as safe as it seems. Did you know that many of the machines are not regulated? Many states do not require manufacturers to break down how much bacteria can possibly be contained in every 5-gallon bottle that you fill. This means that if the machines are not serviced regularly you could be consuming tainted water! Most vending machines use a single-hose system to fill their plastic bottles, which means they can’t remove all the air or bacteria that might be living in them. If you want to avoid dangerous bacteria and parasites that may be lurking in unsterilized water, then here are some tips on how.


The Truth About Water Vending Equipment

One of the easiest ways to keep yourself healthy is to drink plenty of water. Unfortunately, many people are not drinking enough water because it’s hard to make time for it in their busy lives. That’s where vending machines come in.
But are the machines safe? Not all of them are regulated or inspected by health officials, which can put your health at risk if you’re consuming tainted water.

If you want to avoid dangerous bacteria and parasites that may be lurking in unsterilized water, here are some tips on how:

  1. Make sure you’re using a machine that has been serviced regularly. If the water hasn’t been serviced for months or years then there is a chance that it might have harmful bacteria or parasites that could potentially make you sick. Look for an indicator on the machine to see when the last inspection was completed.
  2. Inspect the spout- do not use any machine if there is any dirt or debris present in the spout area. If this area is unclean then bacteria might have collected there and odds are they will end up in your bottle too!
  3. Don’t be afraid to call the number on the water machine. It’s usually a safe bet to reach out and speak with a representative and ask questions like if it’s pure water? Many water machines have the same quality of water that you would find in public water fountains.

What to Watch Out For When Filling Up At A Water Dispenser


What to Watch Out For When Filling Up At A Water Dispenser

Put your health first and avoid drinking water dispensed from vending machines if you have a bad feeling if it’s not safe drinking water. If you’re thirsty, drink bottled water or filtered tap water instead.

You should always be cautious of vended water if the machine is located in a sketchy area. Many patrons that use the machine can tamper with them and with the pandemic going on you should be certain that the surfaces of the machines are constantly being wiped down and sanitized.

Forget about using damaged water machines because they can have faulty equipment that can taint the water which could contain dangerous bacteria that seep into your body when you go for a sip.

Use caution when filling up your 5-gallon jugs if there is any dirt or debris around the fountain area. A water dispenser might seem like an easy way to stay hydrated but they may not be safe to use either!


How to Safely Drink From a Water Vending Machine

It’s important to know where your water is coming from, and how it’s been treated. You can go to the vending machine that you use and check for a sticker on the front of the machine that indicates the date and time the machine was last serviced. This will tell you how safe and reputable your supplier is, purified water beats tap water by far but you need to be sure that the water quality is clean drinking water suitable for your home water cooler.

If you don’t see service sticker on your local water machine nearby, then there are a few steps you can take to make sure you’re drinking safe water:

Always choose an alkaline water option if it’s available rather than a purified one. Alkaline water is more likely to have fewer bacteria living in it because it is anti-parasitic.

Replace any bottle that has been in your household for an extended period of time. Your empty water bottles can naturally be prone to grow mold and bacteria on them if they are left in a dusty garage or outdoors. Many water refill stations in Las Vegas do not have 5-gallon water pre-rinse stations so that you can blast the empty bottle with water before you fill it up. You can always sacrifice by rinsing it with a few gallons first but you will have to pay extra to use the machine for that purpose instead of taking your empty bottles to a water refill store in which an employee will be happy to give them a thorough rinse before filling them up.

Look out for broken bottles or caps on vending machines and avoid re-using them if possible because you never know where they have been before.


How To Tell If the Water Refill Machine Is Unsafe


How To Tell If the Water Refill Machine Is Unsafe

The first thing to do is check the machine for a seal. Many water refill machines have a SEAL on them that states that the water inside has been tested and is safe from bacteria. If this seal is broken, do not use the machine!

Secondly, you should check if there is a filter on the spigot. Filters can be used to remove any contaminants from your water before it gets dispensed into your bottle. If there’s no filter, then you need to steer clear of that machine as well because you are essentially buying tap water from a vending machine!

Lastly, take a look at how many people are using the machine and how often it’s being serviced. If you see lots of people using it and it doesn’t seem like anyone is paying attention to it, then don’t risk using it.

Lastly, do not use your credit card at water vending machines, Las Vegas police have reported that in 2021 there has been an increase in “Skimming” of credit cards and debit cards. A water refill machine is a prime target for thieves to put a skimming device on it to steal from you.


Methods That Water Vending Machines Use To Make Clean Water


Methods That Water Vending Machines Use To Make Clean Water

Some water vending machines use a basic Reverse Osmosis pump system that purifies the water as it fills your bottle. The machine will pull water from an untreated source and purify it on the go this will help to remove any bacteria or germs from the machine but you can’t be as certain as if you were buying pretreated water from your local water refill store (Red Rock Springs Water). . If you don’t know if this method is being used, check to see if there is any information on the machine if possible that you can study.

Another way to ensure clean water is by using a water filter on your home tap or investing in a refrigerator with a filter on it.

If you’re unsure whether or not your tap water is safe to drink, invest in a home testing kit.

Investing in these methods will help keep you and your family safe from harmful bacteria that may lurk in unsterilized water!


Red Rock Springs Waters Location


Or better yet if you’re in the Las Vegas area come visit our store and we will be happy to give you a tour and show you how we treat and prepare the water for your consumption.


Water Vending Machines At Your Supermarket Are They Safe?

If your favorite grocery store has a water vending machine, you might be tempted to grab a quick and refreshing drink on the go. But before you do, you might want to read this:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 48 million Americans get sick from contaminants in their drinking water each year. Safeguarding your family from this type of illness is not as easy as it should be. This is because there are no regulations that require manufacturers to break down how much bacteria can possibly be contained in every 5 gallon bottle that you fill at the vending machine.

Many vending machines use a single-hose system to fill their plastic bottles, which means they can’t remove all the air or bacteria that might be living in them if the parts are not serviced regularly. If you want to avoid dangerous bacteria and parasites that may be lurking in unsterilized water, then here are some tips on how:

  1. Always check online for good reviews before buying your water
  2. Never use empty water bottles that appear dirty or unclean
  3. Avoid refilling your water at businesses that do not appear sanitary.
  4. Remember that water refill stores are specialized in delivering high quality water versus a local grocery store.


Summerlin Las Vegas Red Rock Spring Water Alkaline Water Refill Station


Why You Should Visit Red Rock Springs Water Store

The best way to avoid bacteria and parasites is to buy water from a reputable source. Red Rock Springs is a local store in Southern Nevada that has safe, clean, and tested water. When you purchase water refills at Red Rock Springs you’ll have the peace of mind that they are all 100% safe for you and your family.

We hope this article so far is helping you learn about the importance of water vending machines and how easy it is to avoid bacteria by visiting a reputable source like us!


We Invite The Public To Tour Our Water Vending Equipment

A water vending machine is a fantastic and convenient way to provide clean and refreshing drinking water. However, we want all of our customers to know that we take the safety and quality of our inventory seriously. Here are some guidelines on how we keep them in pristine condition:

  • We only use machines when they are in good working order. If they are needing service we will get them looked at first before opening them to the public.
  • We Inspect every machine before using it in the morning and throughout the day-
  • Customers are instructed to avoid touching the nozzle and they are sanitized between uses.
  • Our staff cleans up any spilled water from around the machine by wiping down with a wet rag or paper towel for your safety.


Conclusion On Water Vending Machines.

Water vending machines are a convenient way to be able to refill your water bottle on the go. But the water that is dispensed from these machines is often not as safe as it should be. So before you drink from a water vending machine, it’s important to know what to look for and how to properly fill up. You can always come visit Red Rock Springs Water. We go above and beyond what you would expect when refilling your water.

We offer curbside loading services and have push carts to help you transport your water from the store to your car in the parking lot. If you are disabled or are having any sort of trouble carrying the water bottles you can call the store phone at 1-480-721-3918 and we can help assist. Getting fresh water refills has never been easier and more convenient with Red Rock Springs Water! Come visit us today.

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